I am seated at the piano because I am remembering my grandmother. She was a gifted piano player. She also taught music and played in her church.
Every morning before my grandfather went to work, she would sit down and play songs. And he would sing along. It was a great way for both to begin their day.
Part of my practice routine is playing hymns. While I was raised in a faith-based tradition, but I am not observant these days. But I do find comfort and solace in the hymns. They are timeless.
They also have an energy about them that gets us motivated.
And so today I want to play a hymn called “Eternal Father, Strong to Save.”
When Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt met off the shore of Canada in summer of 1940, United States had not yet entered the War. Amid the talks, they found time to hold a Sunday service on the deck of a British warship.
“Eternal Father, Strong to Save” was one of the hymns that was played. It was a favorite of Churchill, but also of Roosevelt. I know such a hymn gave these statesmen solace just as it does us.